The ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision) is a globally recognized system for classifying and coding diseases and health conditions. It includes a specific code for depression. In the ICD-10, the code for depression is F32 for a single episode of depression and F33 for recurrent episodes of depression.
Here are the specific subcategories under the F32 and F33 codes:
F32 – Depressive Episode:F32.0: Mild depressive episode
F32.1: Moderate depressive episode
F32.2: Severe depressive episode without psychotic symptoms
F32.3: Severe depressive episode with psychotic symptoms
F32.4: Severe depressive episode with melancholic features
F32.5: Severe depressive episode with atypical features
F32.8: Other depressive episodes
F32.9: Depressive episode, unspecified
F33 – Recurrent Depressive Disorder:F33.0: Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode mild
F33.1: Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode moderate
F33.2: Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode severe without psychotic symptoms
F33.3: Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode severe with psychotic symptoms
F33.4: Recurrent depressive disorder, currently in remission
F33.8: Other recurrent depressive disorders
F33.9: Recurrent depressive disorder, unspecified
These codes provide a standardized way for healthcare professionals to diagnose and document depression. They are used for medical records, insurance claims, and statistical purposes.
It’s important to note that only a qualified healthcare professional can make an accurate diagnosis of depression and assign the appropriate ICD-10 code based on an individual’s symptoms and clinical evaluation.